The Big Winner!

In an odd twist of fate, Angie Lee of Seven Clown Circus fame, has won our 100th Post Giveaway. Why is it odd? I won her giveaway just months ago!

Angie made lucky comment #3 on our post, which corresponded to the random number generated on random.org (see below). Angie will have her pick of the variety of $10 gift certificates.

Would you say that I have a plethora of choices for gift certificates?

Congrats, Angie, and thanks to all our wonderful readers!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-01-02 04:23:45 UTC

1 comment:

Claremont First Ward said...

No way! I'm SOOOOOOO excited. Makes me think 2008 is going to be extra lucky! :) I'm going to pick Target, even though I don't know what BOGO means.