Such a sweet boy...

My watch is on its last legs. Or hands, since watches don't have legs. It has lasted longer than any other watch that I've ever owned, which means that it has taken more abuse than any other watch. It's a G-Shock watch, though, and has stood the test of time, as it were.

As I sat down to dinner last night, I mentioned the demise of my chronometer to Tamara, but loudly enough that everyone at the table heard what I had said. Anthony got up out of his seat and held up his watch, which he had removed under the cover of the table.

"You can have mine, Daddy," he said sincerely with a smile. He was willing to give up his cool camouflage watch with a helicopter second hand because he knew it was a nice thing to do and that his daddy needed a watch.

What a lucky father I am.


Tamara said...

Wow! Such big words!

jeremiahrjones said...

I'm all about expanding my vocabulary.

Lengthening my lexicon.

Improving my parlance.

Varying from the vernacular.


...can't think of any more.

Speaking... good...

Claremont First Ward said...

What a sweet son. You are lucky......or should I say blessed?

Vicki said...

Anthony, you made gramma cry...with joy! You are learning compassion and love. Kisses from Gramma!

Laurie said...

That is so sweet. It is those times that make parenting all worth while. And also confirm you MUST be doing something right! right?