Crazy Halloween

The unexpected sure did catch us by surprise this year. The last day of October found all my kiddies home from school because of a snow storm that dumped 14 plus inches of snow over the weekend. The kids were a little disappointed when they realized being home meant no class Halloween parties and no Halloween parade to the nursing home. They were really disappointed when we learned that Trick-or-Treating in our city had been canceled for that night and rescheduled for Thursday night. What?!? I had never heard of such a thing. But it did make sense when you understand that most of our city is without power. It's just not safe for little witches and goblins to be out in the dark streets especially when trees and power lines are down all over.

I was glad that I had planned a somewhat fun Halloween dinner since the kids had a bummer day. Everything was a big hit except for the "brains". Everyone did try them at least.

Mummy dogs, Potato ghosts, and Brains (spaghetti squash)

Instead of waiting until Thursday to go Trick-or-Treating we decided to join our friends in the neighboring city for some fun. The kids had a great time even if they had to traipse through the snow to get to the various houses. Felt more like we should have been out caroling instead of Trick-or-Treating but I think we made the best of it all and the kids thought it was great fun!

My favorite picture of the whole evening. Michaela the pirate with a giant snowman on Halloween. Crazy!


Mark and Kiss said...

Wow! That is wild. Good to see you guys, sure do miss you Tamara.

jeremiahrjones said...

That's a flippin' huge snowman!

Cami said...

Holy Moly! Canceled Halloween? I guess it makes sense, but that's crazy times. Glad you got it all in.