It's official!

I'm now a member of the blogging club and I'm learning how to post photos.  

Stay tuned for more posts from the New England Mixed Nuts!


Claremont First Ward said...

Super greats news. I'm really looking forward to hearing from you, too, Tamara. ANd, I'm THRILLED that you've moved to Blogger so I can comment on the record. ha ha. Hey, we have the same anniversary now.......we'll be able to celebrate our blogger birthday together! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Adding you to my bloglines now!

Jen said...

I don't have a blog here, but I do use jenniferkrey.livejournal.com. It's mostly a photo journal, but it's what we are doing most days. Your kids made an appearance back on August 1. I'm going to keep an eye on this. I'm excited to be able to "talk" with you guys!