So, why not wind?

Really, after all the fine research that has gone into it, and the awesome products that are available, why aren't we all a little more green and using wind power?

Poke the person sitting next to you, and let's all get on board. Solar panels, wind turbines, fluorescent light bulbs, turning off the shower while you're lathering up--it doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you make the effort!

More green posts on the horizon--stay tuned...


jeremiahrjones said...

What a geek--the first to comment on my own post!

As a biochemist, I have to say that I love the shape of this wind turbine. I wish I could put one up outside my lab.

Tamara said...

I want one of those. I'm all for reducing my energy bill.

Claremont First Ward said...

We're all about going green......well, when it's convenient....haha.

Vicki said...

ah...wind turolicious! (as one biochemist I know well would say!)
ha HA!