At the dealership... again

So, here we are at Colonial Dodge. Again.

I only came out here today after verifying several times that all the pertinent parts were on site. Yes, the sales rep, Brendan, who had promised to keep me posted, did not call me to let me know the parts were in. I only found out when I became so exasperated that I called up and spoke with the parts department myself.

"Oh, sure--they've been in for several days."

I guess that Brendan doesn't need to sweat the customer service aspect of his job with Daddy as the manager of the dealership.

Anyway, we're trying to remain positive.

Oh, I should clarify the "we" that I've been using so far--Trevor is here with me. I'm going to try to use him as incentive to get out of here a little sooner. He's been pretty good so far, which isn't helping. I guess I should have kept him up later last night...

or just brought Anthony. He was on one this morning after being up until ten o'clock last night. He kept getting out of bed with different updates for us about his toenails and leg muscles.

Anyway, Trevor loves all the cars here at the dealership. Today there's even a bonus: purple motorcycle!


Tamara said...

Wow Trevor! So cool. You just need a helmet and you are ready to go!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh no! At least there is a bonus for Trevor!

Jenn said...

I know the reason you are having problems. You're dealing with Dodge. I have a dodge and can't stand working with the people there. Good luck!! Love the motorcycle!

Laurie said...

SOrry for the car troubles but I love the humor. Kids never act when we want them to.:)