Peer pressure against my forehead

I should have slowly backed away...

[Not an actual representation of Jeremiah's forehead]


Claremont First Ward said...

I hope tomorrow is tell at thursday. Explanation, please! :) Love the new layout!

Nadia said...

What is it? Where is the head? Is it more of the neck? Okay, so there is gotta be more to the story........... By the way, the new web look is so cool. We are loving it. Jeremy thought you did an amazing job with the grass.

Bob said...

Don't know that the picture is, but I like the new ads you've got on your site. :) I've been clicking on them so I think I've earned you at least 25 cents tonight.

Vicki said...

If that's not really your forehead, what and where is it?

Ads on your blog????

jeremiahrjones said...

Okay, folks, who reads the captions?


Mine is a little read this morning. The aluminum can that I crushed against it is, doubtlessly, not feeling as poorly.

I gave in to peer pressure. Who would think that a bunch of "highly educated" people would get such a kick out of seeing each other smash metal against their face?

Mark and Kiss said...

ha, ha, ha!