Trevor's big day

After a sad start, Trevor seems to love kindergarten. Wednesday was his first day and he was so excited I thought he would never settle down and get to sleep the night before. He awoke bright and early Wednesday morning and even did his chores without being told or complaining. Wish that would happen everyday! He really wanted to take the bus but I drove him on his first day so I could find out who his teacher was and see where is classroom was.

We met his teacher and I sent Trevor over to line up with his class and the next thing I knew he had huge tears rolling down his cheeks. I walked him to his class and got him settled on the rug with the other kids and said goodbye. He wasn't crying but he didn't look happy either. It was so hard to leave him when he looked so unsure of everything but I knew he would do just fine. Abigail had a hard time understanding why we were leaving him there when he was so sad. Several times during the day she would say, "Trevor sad"

So I spent my day worrying that Trevor was doing ok and having a good first day at kindergarten. I really had nothing to worry about. He was all smiles when he got off the bus and had lots to tell me about his new friends, his teacher, and his classroom. Looks like it is going to be a good year!


1 comment:

Jenn said...

Ha I love the last picture! What a big boy starting Kindergarten! Be glad he stayed on the rug and didn't chase you out the door...i'm speaking from experience!