Time away for two

Last weekend Jeremiah and I were able to get away for two days without children. It was our first Cape Cod experience and we had a great time. We took our bikes and found a great trail. Our 7 mile bike ride turned into an 18 mile bike ride when I suggested we continue on and ride out to see the cranberry bogs. It was a flat easy ride but my legs were not happy with me at all by the time we were done!

It was really fun to be riding beside the ocean but it was really windy

Nobska Light House

Saturday morning we woke up early even though we didn't have kids getting us up and walked a mile or so to the beach.

Our last adventure before driving back was heading out to Provincetown and visiting Pilgrim Monument. It was such a windy day that we almost felt like we were going to be blown off the top of the tower but the view was amazing up there!

We had a great time, missed our kids, were missed by our kids, and are so thankful for our brave friends for taking on six more children for two days.

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